For simplicity, we have grouped our modules into five ICDL Programmes that concentrate on specific facets of digital skills, aligned with the requirements of the today’s digital world. Work through the programme modules or select any number of modules from any programme, to build you own customised set of modules to suit your specific needs.
Recommended to prepare learners for the modern workplace. Suitable for learners who wish to secure employment in any modern office environment. Select any number of the modules below to offer as part of your course portfolio or group some together to customise your own..
CDL Professional is designed to meet the needs of modern professionals in a range of sectors and develops an advanced level of skills for those with technology reliant roles. From the use of business applications to the fundamentals of advanced technologies, these skills allow them to manage different types of workload as well as collaborate with technical teams.
Designed to address the requirement for current and future business managers to develop an understanding of trending and emerging technology, ICDL Insights offers overview modules that are contextualised in a practical way. These short, introductory modules provide the conceptual understanding to allow managers who are not IT professionals to consider the potential of technology and have informed conversations with IT professionals or specialists.
ICDL Digital Citizen is specially developed to cater for those with no experience whatsoever of computers and the Internet. ICDL Digital Citizen helps to remove the fear of using a computer for complete novices by using a simple, non-threatening approach to educating individuals in the basic skills of using a computer, email and the Internet.
ICDL Digital Student is a global digital literacy programme designed to empower school students to learn real-world skills that enable them to think critically and be more productive learners. ICDL Digital Student gives students the skills they need to succeed at school and prepares them for future studies and the workplace